On December 14, 2024, the Guardians of the National Cemetery participated in the annual Wreaths Across America event, a nationwide initiative dedicated to honoring fallen veterans by placing wreaths on their graves. This year’s theme, “Live with Purpose,” inspired...
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Tom Hauserman, a cherished member of the Guardians of the National Cemetery. Tom, a valued part of our Monday Honor Guard team, left us on July 1st, 2024. His contributions to our organization were immense,...
The Guardians of the National Cemetery recently participated in a deeply patriotic ceremony at Washington Crossing National Cemetery, paying tribute to the soldiers of the Revolutionary War who gave their lives for our nation’s freedom. These soldiers, though...
Pictured above: Outgoing Commander Gene Hamilton (Right) Incoming Commander Don Tillotson (Left) The Guardians of the National Cemetery organization is built on the unwavering commitment and tireless efforts of its members, and today, we pay tribute to an...